To understand homeopathy, we have to acknowledge two things: the first being that we are energetic beings; the second being that the body holds divine intelligence.

Flowing through and giving life to our physical bodies is an energetic force referred to as one’s vital force. Homeopathy is an energetic system of medicine that works to strengthen the vital force. Divine intelligence can be thought of as an energetic blueprint. It is this energetic blueprint that we are trying to stimulate through homeopathy. The theory being that once stimulated, the body knows what to do to heal itself. It knows where the blocks are- physically, mentally and emotionally.

Homeopathy is based upon the principle that “like cures like”, which is the the notion that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people. Homeopathy observes the law of the minimum dose, where an individual is prescribed highly diluted and potentized substances, oftentimes in pellets or liquid form.

Homeopathy harnesses energy or vibration from source (such as plant, mineral, and animal sources). Much of the art of homeopathy is in identifying the correct remedy by way of matching the correct frequency and potency to the vital force.

Homeo” means similar. Let’s compare that to allopathy, which “allo” means different: Allopathy looks for different agents to cure whereas homeopathy looks for similar – or the idea that ‘like cures like.’

Here’s an example: Let’s say a child that just cannot fall asleep- he or she is a ball of energy and has trouble laying down and relaxing. An allopathic approach might be to find an agent that is the opposite of being awake – perhaps some type of medicine with a key ingredient to cause the child to feel tired. Taking a homeopathic approach would mean to consider a remedy such as Coffea Cruda, which is homeopathic-potentized coffee. The idea is that we’re taking a symptom- in this case it’s wakefulness and hyperactivity- and matching it to something that would stimulate wakefulness- something like coffee. Note: This is based upon potentized-coffee, rather than coffee in its raw form.

What does potentized mean? Potentization is when a substance is diluted down thousands and thousands of times, and succussed vigorously. This process unlocks the etheric form of the original raw substance. This etheric form, which remains then interacts with the vital force of the body, will then teach the body how to deal with the symptoms that are similar in nature. To learn more about difference potencies in homeopathy, check out this post.

There are also a variety of forms of homeopathy that have a specific purpose. For example:

  • Nosodes can be prepared from infected human or animal products
  • Isodes involve using a homeopathic preparation of a substance- typically a medication or toxin- that is given to counteract ill effects caused by that same substance
  • Sarcodes are homeopathic remedies made from healthy tissues or secretions that are designed to support the healing and function of corresponding tissue.

As we build out this LEARN resource, we aim to dive more into the different forms of homeopathy.


A little Homeopathy History

Homeopathy was founded in 1796 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, who grew disillusioned with conventional medicine’s reliance on ineffective and harmful practices like leeching and purging. Leaving his medical career, Hahnemann worked in Romania translating medical texts, including Cullen’s Materia Medica.

While translating, he discovered a pivotal insight: cinchona bark, used to treat malaria, produced malaria-like symptoms when tested on himself. This led to his principle of “like cures like,” marking the birth of homeopathy.

Homeopathy gained prominence during pandemics like Scarlet Fever and the Spanish Flu, attracting monarchs, doctors, and global followers. By the late 19th century, it was taught at prestigious universities like Yale, with 22 homeopathic medical schools and over 100 hospitals in the U.S. alone. After the Rockefeller Foundation’s Flexner Report standardized medical education with a bias toward orthodox medicine, homeopathic colleges and hospitals were shut down.

Now, as the limits of pharmaceuticals and chronic symptom suppression become clear, more people are seeking alternative approaches to health.



*This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is not intended to be used as medical advice. Please consult your doctor/a licensed healthcare provider before making any changes to your routine or starting any new products.