What is an Isode?
Isodes, or isopathy, involve using a homeopathic preparation of a substance- typically a medication or toxin- that is given to counteract ill effects caused by that same substance. The most common group of substances include vaccines, pharmaceutical drugs, heavy metals, and pesticides.
Isodes are remedies that are made from exact substances meant to stimulate the body to better process it. For example, in the Practitioner Line there is a remedy named NO-XENO, which is made from Bisphenol A (BPA) and supports the body in managing this substance more effectively.
Central to CEASE therapy (Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression), and developed by homeopath Tinus Smits, Isopathy is essentially based on systematic clearing of these substances alongside constitutional remedies. In this context, “clearing” does not mean the removal of intended effects of a medication or substance. For example, if you have a positive titer/immunity from a vaccine, that titer will not go away after a homeopathic clearing. Rather, a clearing is a way to help the body resolve or detox any unhealthy residues or toxic effects from said substance.
Isodes can be especially valuable in chronic or recurrent conditions, as well as detox protocols, allergies, and infections influenced by environmental or hereditary factors. These remedies can play a key part of certain homeopathic practices, valued for their individualized approach in addressing deep-rooted imbalances.
Isodes can be a fundamental aspect of Homeopathic treatment in kids who have auto immune or behavioral issues (Autism, PANS/PANDAS etc) and adults alike. Depending on the approach of the homeopath or practitioner, the use of isodes may be warranted when there were strong negative side effects from medication or toxin, there was an ‘excessive’ amount of that medication given, or if an individual received a form of intervention and has not been well since.
Isodes, nosodes, and other detoxification-focused products are available to Rooted Remedies affiliate practitioners. Currency, we carry 75 different nosodes & isodes, and are always expanding. More information for interested practitioners can be found here.
*This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is not intended to be used as medical advice. Please consult your doctor/a licensed healthcare provider before making any changes to your routine or starting any new products.