The Imponderable Kingdom

The Imponderable Kingdom

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that derives remedies from various sources, including the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms. There is also a fascinating, less commonly discussed category known as the Imponderable Kingdom. Unlike remedies mentioned in...
What Potency Do I Need?

What Potency Do I Need?

In homeopathy, remedies are prepared in various potencies. Potency refers to the strength of a remedy and is determined by its level of dilution and succession (where the original substance is vigorously shaken). In this process of repeatedly diluting a substance in...
Arnica Montana

Arnica Montana

Valued for its powerful ability to support the body’s natural healing process, Arnica Montana is one of most well-known and widely used homeopathic remedies and a staple in first-aid kits. Derived from the Arnica plant-Mountain Daisy-a yellow flower native to...
What is Homeopathy?

What is Homeopathy?

To understand homeopathy, we have to acknowledge two things: the first being that we are energetic beings; the second being that the body holds divine intelligence. Flowing through and giving life to our physical bodies is an energetic force referred to as one’s vital...