In homeopathy, remedies are classified into main kingdoms—plant, mineral, and animal. Each kingdom reflects distinct characteristics and patterns of imbalance. When using homeopathy, we listen to the language of the whole person- what they say, behaviors expressed, gestures they make are all considered an expression of the person’s vital force. In observing such expressions, one can discern which remedy (or remedies), and from which kingdom the remedy comes from.


The following is a brief introduction to the main kingdoms, along with additional kingdoms recognized by some homeopaths and practitioners:

Plant remedies are often used for individuals with heightened sensitivity, adaptability, and emotional fluctuations, and mirror the reactive and dynamic nature of plants. 

Mineral remedies correspond to structural stability, organization, and identity, making them well-suited for conditions related to rigidity, deficiency, and/or loss of integrity. 

Animal remedies embody survival instincts, competition, and interpersonal dynamics, and and typically address issues related to dominance, attraction, and/or territorial behavior. 

Additionally, some homeopaths recognize additional kingdoms, including imponderables (such as light or magnetic energy) and nosodes/sarcodes, which are derived from disease products or healthy tissues. 

Understanding these kingdoms helps practitioners tailor remedies to an individual’s unique  physical, emotional, and psychological state.

In coming posts, we look forward to exploring more about each kingdom. Until then, you’re welcome to take a look at available remedies by shopping from different kingdoms of single homeopathic remedies at Rooted Remedies.


*This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is not intended to be used as medical advice. Please consult your doctor/a licensed healthcare provider before making any changes to your routine or starting any new products.