Developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1920s-1930s, Bach flower essences are a branch of homeopathy focused on supporting emotional well-being. These remedies help us release emotional blockages and restore balance. Made from wildflowers, these remedies are safe for all ages, including pets. Bach identified 38 flowers and trees, each linked to a specific emotional state. While Bach’s original system remains widely used, practitioners have expanded his work to over 100 flower remedies today.


How Do Bach Flower Essences Differ from Homeopathy?

While homeopathy stimulates the body’s natural healing processes, Bach flower essences work more like acupuncture in that they influence energy fields that enter the body through meridian points. Both can help us address deep-rooted emotions.


Rooted Remedies Bach Flower Essences

We offer all 38 original single Bach Flower Essences for personal or professional use. Additionally, we provide Bespoke Flower Essences, allowing you to create a custom blend, along with our signature blends like:



*This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is not intended to be used as medical advice. Please consult your doctor/a licensed healthcare provider before making any changes to your routine or starting any new products.